Sabine Erspamer
info [at]

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Instead of being stuck, together we can have a look at your topics, sort out the core of what keeps you up at night and start working on solutions.

You are a high performer – C-level manager, director or entrepreneur. You are handling a variety of matters and a lot of responsibility. Your capacities and expertise are the result of hard work!

It is part of your job that you handle your daily business with care and deal with many delicate matters. But there are some other things, that you personally want to work on.

You might want to have a look at

  • working on your vision - on a company or personal level
  • mapping out a strategy for your way of doing business
  • getting rid of inner struggles
  • decision taking 
  • being the authentic leader you really want to be

A business coaching session is ideal to work on these topics and expand your potential. 

Without struggles and doubts, but with clarity and optimism! 

Choose between our Coaching Programs

My working languages are English, German, Dutch and Italian.
Executive and Leadership Coaching

Offsite Coaching

You want to dedicate a day to your most pressing topics with high focus and game changing results? Let us work then offsite for a day or half a day at the sea or in the Dolomites. The fresh air of the mountains will help you zoom out and get a clear view. The imposant power of the North Atlantic Ocean will get your inner force in motion. This setting is framed with two skilled and trained executive coaches. Offsite coaching is possible offline only. 

Executive and Leadership Coaching

1:1 Classic Coaching

The classic 1:1 coaching is the setting for you if you would like to develop strategies to handle one or more matters that keep you up at night. You are stuck and have little time. Let's put all focus on it and work your way out. Typically we will work for a limited amount of time with regular meetings in my coaching studio. Online or live are both possible. 

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching is an integral part of your leadership training programme – either as part of a company training or as an intense short term cycle of a limited time period. This coaching is ideal for leaders that want to work intensly on a specific topic with the aim to reach their goals efficiently and fast. Online or live are both possible.

You have doubts, feel blocked or can't get certain topics in your professional life sorted? You have tried various things, but still don't see the results you want?

If you are ready to work on your struggles, are open to change and to start being active in your cockpit of life, coaching will be the right tool for you. 

You will develop a clarity of thought, that helps you find your own personal strategy and take your professional life to the next level.

We’ll work on your leadership vision and your strategy to get there!

From my own career I know how effective coaching can be. To dedicate time to what keeps you from being an effective professional can move mountains: inside of you and  - if you put your development into practice - also outside of you! 

I am looking forward to your enquiry and to what you want to achieve!

My experiences as a managing director in a high-tech environment have equipped me with insights in a demanding role. Thanks to my background I know what it means to carry a lot of responsibility.

My approach is goal-oriented and solution-focused. I base my work on research.  We will work together for a limited amount of time, with clear goals. Your goals! 

You feel inspired by one of our topics?